Norma Kamali: I Am Invincible

Wit and wisdom from the innovative, influential, and empowering wellness guru and designer Norma Kamali In her first book, fashion legend Norma Kamali offers readers a stylish, inspiring, and heartfelt handbook for gliding boldly through each of life's decades with purpose and power. Manifesto, memoir, and essential guide, its pages are informed by 50 years of Kamali's twists, turns, triumphs, and failures experienced while ?nding the courage and conviction to race after her dreams and never look back. At 75, Kamali looks-and acts-nearly half her age. The secret, she writes, is learning to age with power: Embracing a healthy lifestyle and looking forward to every milestone and the changes they bring, with the realization that reaching one's potential has no date. With wisdom and wit, Kamali imparts her lessons on authentic beauty, timeless style, career-building, ?tness, and health through personal stories, worldly insight, and actionable advice designed to help women of every age create their happiest, healthiest, most successful and fulfilling lives.

Booko found 2 book editions

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Feb, 2021

Jan, 2021

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