Weetzie Bat

Weetzie Bat

Fifteen years ago Francesca Lia Block made a dazzling entrance into the literary scene with what would become one of the most talked-about books of the decade: Weetzie Bat. This poetic roller coaster swoop has a sleek new design to match its new sister and brother books, Goat Girls and Beautiful Boys. Rediscover the magic of Weetzie Bat, Ms. Blocks sophisticated, slinkster-cool love song to L.A.the book that shattered the standard, captivated readers of all generations, and made Francesca Lia Block one of the most heralded authors of the last decade.

Booko found 18 book editions and 1 video edition

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Mar, 2013

Oct, 2009

Jul, 2004

Oct, 2001

Oct, 1997

Dec, 1991

United States Jul, 2004

Jul, 2004

Jul, 2004

Jul, 2002

Apr, 1999

Apr, 1991

Apr, 1989
New: $135.42

Used: $30.49
Mar, 1989

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