Hellbent (An Orphan X Thriller)

Orphan X #3

To some he was Orphan X. Others knew him as the Nowhere Man. But to Jack Johns he was a boy named Evan Smoak. Taken from an orphanage, Evan was raised inside a top-secret government programme and trained to become a lethal weapon. By Jack. And yet for all the dangerous skill he instilled in his young charge, Jack Jones cared for Evan like a son. But Jack knew too much about a programme that had gone rotten - he was a loose end that needed to be dealt with. But if you go after the only person who ever treated him like a human being, you can guarantee that the Nowhere Man will be coming for you. Hellbent on making things right . . . With Hellbent, Gregg Hurwitz raises the bar again with a masterclass in hi-octane thriller writing.

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Aug, 2018

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Used: $23.96
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Jun, 2018
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Used: $23.37
Feb, 2018
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Used: $18.43
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Jan, 2018
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Used: $100.59
Jan, 2018
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Used: $42.62
Jan, 2018
New: $77.53

Used: $23.75
Jan, 2018
New: $42.10

Used: $34.25

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