The Geneva Trap

Liz Carlyle #7

When a rogue Russian spy warns MI5 of a plot to hack into the West's military satellite systems, Liz Carlyle finds her past catching up with her...

Booko found 12 book editions

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May, 2014

Oct, 2012
New: $15.99

May, 2014
New: $42.89

United Kingdom Sep, 2013
New: $24.31

Used: $15.01
Jul, 2013
New: $47.88

Used: $21.63
Oct, 2012
New: $74.65

Used: $22.84
Oct, 2012

United Kingdom Sep, 2012
New: $65.24

Used: $16.79
United Kingdom Sep, 2012
New: $61.75

Used: $21.72
Jul, 2012
New: $8.59

Jul, 2012
New: $8.59

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