Amber Brown goes fourth

Amber Brown

Amber Brown isn?t entirely ready for fourth grade. She has her pens, pencils, new clothes, and new shoes. But the one thing she doesn?t have is her best friend, Justin Daniels. Justin has moved away, leaving Amber utterly best friend-less. Amber knows Justin can?t be replaced, but she is on the lookout for a new friend. Brandi seems a likely choice?but does Brandi want to choose Amber in return? Will Amber Brown go fourth, and go forth, with a new best friend?

Booko found 14 book editions

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Oct, 2007

Jan, 2006

Dec, 1999

Jun, 1997

Oct, 2007
New: $17.39

Used: $19.59
Apr, 2003
New: $183.22

Used: $26.64
Oct, 1999

Used: $238.67
Mar, 1997
New: $46.01

Used: $12.93
Oct, 1996
New: $150.21

Used: $67.76
Oct, 1996

Used: $36.97
Aug, 1996
New: $38.56

Used: $21.14
Sep, 1995
New: $203.59

Used: $36.42
Jun, 1995

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