Cover Her Face

Adam Dalgliesh Mysteries #1

Classic P.D. James in stunning new livery

Booko found 153 book editions

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Apr, 2021

Apr, 2018

May, 2017

Jan, 2017
New: $8.79

May, 2015
New: $137.83

Used: $122.84
May, 2014
New: $234.90

Oct, 2013

Apr, 2010
New: $14.45

Nov, 2008

United Kingdom Sep, 2008

Oct, 2006

Jan, 2006
New: $70.50

Used: $35.48
May, 2003

Jul, 1997
New: $77.90

Used: $31.12
Apr, 1997

Mar, 1997

Jan, 1997

Nov, 1992

May, 1992

Sep, 1991

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