Unnatural Causes

Adam Dalgliesh Mysteries #3

Superintendent Adam Dalgliesh had been looking forward to a quiet holiday at his aunt's cottage on Monksmere Head, one of the furthest-flung spots on the remote Suffolk coast. With nothing to do other than enjoy long wind-swept walks, tea in front of the crackling wood fire and hot buttered toast, Dalgliesh was relishing the thought of a well-earned break.

However, all hope of peace is soon shattered by murder. The mutilated body of a local crime writer, Maurice Seaton, floats ashore in a drifting dinghy to drag Adam Dalgliesh into a new and macabre investigation.

'From the moment a handless corpse in a neat city suit is found in a drifting dinghy off the East Coast, and we meet the ghastly members of a literary society, we're hooked.' Evening Standard

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