The Black Tower

Adam Dalgliesh Mysteries #5

The fifth book in the Adam Dalgliesh series, from crime writing legend P.D. James.

Booko found 101 book editions and 1 video edition

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Jul, 2020

May, 2019
New: $14.95

Apr, 2019
New: $49.87

Oct, 2016

Dec, 2014
New: $10.55

Aug, 2014

Jan, 2014

United Kingdom Feb, 2013

May, 2012

United States May, 2012

Apr, 2012

Apr, 2012
New: $96.34

Used: $24.60
Oct, 2011

Feb, 2009

United Kingdom Sep, 2008

Sep, 2008

Sep, 2006

Jan, 2006

United Kingdom Nov, 2005

May, 2004

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of The Black Tower.