Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter #6

A large-print edition of the sixth book in the magical Harry Potter series.

Booko found 235 book editions

Product filters

Oct, 2005
New: $229.66

Feb, 2013
New: $48.36

Used: $22.77
Nov, 2007

Aug, 2016

Jan, 2005

Used: $48.08
Aug, 2016
New: $10.99

Jan, 2014

Oct, 2010
New: $147.87

Used: $40.42

Jun, 2016
New: $10.99

Oct, 2014
New: $88.31

Used: $46.01
China Dec, 2005
New: $99.26

Used: $37.81
United States Oct, 2005
New: $81.44

Used: $27.32

Dec, 2015
New: $10.99

Dec, 2015
New: $10.99

Jan, 2013
New: $104.95

May, 2006
New: $123.27

Used: $52.25
Aug, 2016

Nov, 2005

Used: $306.44
Nov, 2005
New: $122.99

Used: $37.19
Nov, 2005

Used: $56.84
Nov, 2005

Used: $49.31
Jul, 2006
New: $108.08

Used: $77.38
Nov, 2015
New: $56.58

Used: $114.50

Feb, 2017
New: $10.99

Jan, 2005
New: $65.85

Apr, 2010
New: $34.77

Used: $31.15
Oct, 2005
New: $166.21

Used: $37.26
May, 2008
New: $68.04

Used: $85.09
May, 2008
New: $68.39

Jun, 2005
New: $92.01

Jun, 2015
New: $232.46

Used: $156.49
Jan, 2006
New: $53.46

Used: $22.46

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.