Lamb Of God - Saviour Of The World: The Soteriology of Rev. Dr David Martyn Lloyd-Jones

This book provides the first ever evaluation of the teaching of Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones on the atonement and shows that he held to the same understanding of the cross as that taught by John Calvin, Moise Amyraut, John Davenant, Richard Baxter, Matthew Henry, Philip Doddridge, and J. C. Ryle. On this 400th anniversary of the birth of Richard Baxter in 1615 (the 200th anniversary of the birth of J. C. Ryle is in 2016), it is fitting that the twentieth-century Baxter made his appearance in the person of Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. His published evangelistic sermons, like Baxter's writings, do not suggest that he believed in limited atonement as held by high Calvinists, but that his view was closely aligned with that of Calvin and Amyraut rather than with Beza and Owen. 350 direct quotations from Lloyd-Jones' own works substantiate this claim. Careful exegesis of his most frequently quoted Scripture texts also demonstrates that his soteriology is based on solid biblical teaching, and not on teaching dominated by medieval scholastic philosophy. His approach was determined by Deuteronomy 29:29. This new book from Dr Lynch will enlighten, instruct, encourage, challenge, and thrill all who read it."

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