Legends: Death and the Underworld

From the pen of master storyteller Anthony Horowitz comes a new series of myths and legends from around the world, retold in a contemporary voice, and illustrated with bold, graphic artwork. Packed with Horowitz's signature action, humor, and suspense these collections feel fresh, modern, and perfect for today's fast-moving audience. When life is over, and the conflicted souls of the dead wend their weary way down to the underworld, what do they see? A three-headed dog with slavering jaws, a bubbling swamp and a hangman's noose, or simply darkness? From familiar stories like the Greek myth of Orpheus, to lesser known tales like the Viking legend of the poet Nornagest and his precious candle, or the story of the Indian Princess Savitri who cheated death with nothing but her smarts, this collection is full of characters who are brave enough (or foolish enough) to cheat death and tell the tale.

Booko found 3 book editions

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Aug, 2012

Aug, 2012

May, 2011

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