Serial Sabotage (Nancy Drew, Girl Detective: Sabotage Mystery Trilogy, Book 2) by Keene, Carolyn (2010) Paperback

Girl Detective #43
Cover Art for B00ZQCGZGA, Serial Sabotage (Nancy Drew, Girl Detective: Sabotage Mystery Trilogy, Book 2) by Keene, Carolyn (2010) Paperback by Unknown
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Part of Girl Detective (Series)

When the cash box is stolen from the local carnival, all signs point to Ned as the thief. He couldn’t possibly have done this—or could he? But, as with all of Nancy’s cases, this goes much deeper than a few missing bucks as she uncovers a plot involving financial mismanagement and finger-pointing. Nancy manages to solve the mystery of the missing cash, but uncovers more trouble along the way. Read on in book #44 for the stunning conclusion to the Sabotage Mystery Trilogy!

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