Signature Cocktails

Cover Art for 9781838667559, Signature Cocktails by Amanda Schuster
ISBN: 9781838667559
Publisher: Phaidon Press
Published: 26 September, 2023
Format: Hardcover
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A collection of 200 iconic drinks from around the globe, each of which has changed the culture of the cocktail A signature cocktail is a bespoke drink that expresses the nature of the time, person, or place for which it was created. In this book, the author curates a collection of the most celebrated cocktails - from well-known classics such as the Bellini, to the up-to-the-minute Twin Cities from New York's ultra-hip Dead Rabbit bar. Signature cocktails have become an increasingly popular way to define the style and character of a celebrate establishment and the talented mixologists behind them. Each unique drink in this collection is accompanied by the name of the creator, place and date of invention, alongside a specially commissioned image, easy-to-follow recipe, and a fascinating insight into its unique story. Covering almost 600 years of cocktail history, this elegant and uniquely focussed collection will appeal to a wide range of readers - from lovers of cocktails to everyone who enjoys entertaining, food, and culture, to mixologists, bartenders, and industry professionals.

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