Veganomicon, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook

The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook

Cover Art for 9780738218991, Veganomicon, 10th Anniversary Edition: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook by Isa Moskowitz
ISBN: 9780738218991
Publisher: Hachette
Published: 26 September, 2017
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Links Hachette
1 other edition of this product
Saving: Saving: $56.46 or 61%

Who knew vegetables could taste so good? Vegan powerhouses Isa Moskowitz and Terry Romero bring a brand new edition of this beloved vegan cookbook to celebrate its 10th anniversary. You'll find 25 new dishes and updates throughout for more than 250 recipes (everything from basics to desserts), stunning color photos, and tips for making your kitchen a vegan paradise. All the recipes in Veganomicon have been thoroughly kitchen-tested to ensure user-friendliness and amazing results. Veganomicon also includes meals for all occasions and soy-free, gluten-free, and low-fat options, plus quick recipes that make dinner a snap.

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