There Is No Dog

Cover Art for 9780385668316, There Is No Dog by Doubleday Canada
ISBN: 9780385668316
Publisher: Doubleday Canada
Published: 11 September, 2012
Format: Paperback
9 other editions of this product

In the beginning there was Bob. And Bob created the heavens and the earth and the beasts of the field and the creatures of the sea, and twenty-five million other species including lots and lots of gorgeous girls. And all of this, he created in just six days. Six days! Congratulations, Bob! No wonder Earth is such a mess. Imagine that God is a typical teenage boy. He is lazy, careless, self-obsessed, sex-mad -- and about to meet Lucy, the most beautiful girl on earth. Unfortunately, whenever Bob falls in love, disaster follows. Let us pray that Bob does not fall in love with Lucy.

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