The Secret Love-Child (Harlequin Presents)

Harlequin Presents

Cover Art for 9780373122424, The Secret Love-Child (Harlequin Presents) by Miranda Lee
ISBN: 9780373122424
Publisher: Harlequin Books
Published: 1 April, 2002
Format: Paperback
26 other editions of this product

Rafe's job was to photograph the beautiful blonde bride-to-be, not seduce her. But when the wedding is called off, Isabel boldly asks Rafe to accompany her on what was to be her honeymoon. Love wasn't part of the deal, but arrogant Rafe is sure that he is what she needs to forget that she has been jilted. The honeymoon was soon over, however, when it seemed as if, accidentally, Isabel might have conceived Rafe's child.

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